Doc Design
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Computer build and install

I design and build computers.

You can have any design you wish. I first draw the pattern in Acad, then at that time you would approve of the design, I would have it laser cut, then I would paint it.

Assemble the computer to either my recommenced specifications or to your own. I will deliver it to your home or office and install it for you. (provided you live in the wasatch front area of northern Utah)

If you don't require a fancy computer like the one displayed in the picture above then I can supply you with a basic office computer.

All my compuers are reliable and never break down, if they do then I will come out and repair it.

If you have a hard drive fail you or system crashed and you cannot retrieve your data, then give me a call and I will come out and get the hard drive, Usually I can retrieve what information that was on it with no problem.



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